Verdant Force
A report from the juice bar.
Story/Photos/Videos by Marc Owerfeldt

A super food! A highly potent drink that will grow some hair on your chest.

Posted on August 22, 2017

I spent some time in San Antonio and was looking for a coffee in my area. There weren't any good options but Whole Foods was open and so I went. At the checkout I ran into a construction worker. To my amazement his breakfast consisted of a very large juice. "Verdant Force", he explained. I didn't expect this and figured that if he can work construction with this type of fuel I need to investigate.

Soon I found myself experimenting at home and started making my own Verdant Force juice. Verdant Force now is part of my repertoire, the health benefits are undeniable.

Radiant green & very potent.



Blend for about 1 minute at high speed.